Friday, October 07, 2005


Well, it's been a long week. I feel like I haven't been at home at all this week. Today I don't have anything to do but bum around the house. Don't think I'm not going to either. Caiden's watching Blue's Clues, and well, I've just been on the computer. I did do my Bible study this morning before he got up. I guess I did do something constructive. I'm still trying to get the energy up to do something else though. I need to do some laundry. I'll get to it sooner or

Jaycob's game on Tuesday was a great one. They lost, but they played their best. The score was 26 to 22. Jaycob had one sack. He did great! I'm so proud of him!

I guess that's about it. Not much planned for this weekend as far as I know. I don't know if David has to work Saturday or not yet.

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You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.



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