Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It's late....I'm behind!

Well, it's been awhile since I've posted as my friend so kindly pointed out. I logged out of work about an hour ago and decided I needed to go to bed. After I put all my Facebook apps to sleep I decided I wasn't really tired. (Well, my tooth is hurting and I'm waiting for the pills to take effect.) So I decided I would catch up on my friends life and read what she has been up to. (Oh and I made a few comments...:P)

Anyway, things that have been going on here ~

The kids just got their grades. The all did great! Jaycob even passed Spanish class. He hates Spanish class! Now I'm waiting for him to finish his 30 hours of driver's ed so he can get his driver's license. I guess I shouldn't complain, it's one less thing I have to worry about.

I've been working a lot lately. I've been promoted too! Starting next month I will be an Alt Lead on my team. This means more money and more responsibility. It's a work at home company I've been with since Nov 2006. It's a great company. They're hiring if you're looking for a job! :)

David was out of work last week. There just wasn't any work. Then when he was headed to the shop on Thursday, his truck broke down. I had to get up and go pick him up. We are lucky in the fact that there are 5 pay periods this month. So it's not really going to hurt too bad. That and the AC has been off for a little over a month. I know that will help. There was 1 or 2 days in there it was just too hot and I had to turn it on, but then it cooled down. Right now we have it off, and the windows shut because it's cold outside. The other day I asked David if we could turn on the air and he said, "No, put some clothes on." So I came to my room and put on a sweater...lol. Then today he came in and took his work clothes off and sat down at the computer and told Jaycob to close his window or shut his door because he was cold. Jaycob and I both cracked up when I told him to put some clothes on...lol.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Prayers and miracles!

Waiting for a miracle

I wanted to post this because I love this little girl! (And her mother and sister!)
Please check out the post about her, just click on the button. I've also attached the code if you want to add it to your blog. Thanks!

Waiting for a miracle

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

Today was a good day...and sad at the same time!

What I'm thankful for....

1. That my kids got off to a safe start on the first day of school.

2. That my husband still has a job to go to everyday.

3. That I was able to take my mid morning nap without having to listen to the kids fight.

4. My computer, so that I can work at home and be here for the kids when they come home.

What are thankful for today?

Click on the button and visit Tricia's blog to see what she's thankful for!

Thankful Thursday

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Taylor's 11th Birthday!

Well, my baby girl turned 11 on July 30th! I can't believe she's getting so old. We went on Thursday (her actual birthday) to Athens to eat and just spend time together. We went to eat Chinese and then to the Good Will to find some clothes. I love the Good Will! They have the best clothes at the best prices! I told her that was all she was getting for her birthday and I had her going for a minute. Then when we went to Wal-Mart I told her she could pick out a bike! She was so excited! That's what she was wanting. So she picked out the pretty one too. She's so proud of it.

I still can't believe she's 11!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for...

1. My kids got sick BEFORE school started so they aren't going to have to miss any.

2. That I have a washer and dryer that work because they sure did get the workout this week. We had to wash EVERYTHING that was in the house.

3. That the infestation we've had in the house has been minimallized to one person and is not spreading like wild fire.

4. That my husband is getting more hours at work.

5. That I am loved.

What are you thankful for?
Check out my friends Thankful Thursday post by clicking the button.
Thankful Thursday

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Thanksful Thursdays

Thankful Thursday

1. That the kids are coming home from camp tomorrow. Caiden's missed them, David's missed them, and I've missed them. I haven't missed the fighting though!

2. Settling into my new house.

3. School starts back in a month.

What are you thankful for?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I can't believe I forgot!!

Taylor during her Alddin dance.

This picture was taking by Cary Best at Georgia Snaps. Please visit him at http://www.georgiasnapsphotography.com/

Wow! I can't believe I forgot to post about Taylor's dance recital! It was so good! She did a great job. I was allowed to do the Powerpoint Presentation for the recital and I had a great time doing that.

I'm so proud of you Taylor!

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

A wonderful child gave me a great idea and as much as I wanted to do her idea so that I could get in EVERYTHING I was thankful for this week, it just didn't happen.

So much is going on in life this week. I decided at this moment I would take a minute to read what's going on in my friends life and post what I'm thankful for.

So here I go....

I am thankful for...

1. A wonderful husband who does great things for me!

2. A wonderful Lord who allows my husband to do those great things!

3. Wonderful kids who have been working hard to help us move.

4. Wonderful friends who have loaned us (and will be loaning us) trucks, so we can move the big furniture!

5. The weather cooperating for the most part.


6. Ibuprofen to help with the aches and pains of moving!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

So Busy!

First I wanted to tell all my friends out there that read my blog I miss you! We've been so busy. And I'm so tired! I just wanted to share the pictures I have taken of the house with everyone. Below is the link to my facebook photos, you should be able to get to them. They are public, if you can't let me know. I promise when I get a chance I'll catch up with everyone and read what I've missed!


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Busy, busy!

Why is it that when the kids get out of school I feel like I'm busier then when they are in school?

So much is going on this month it's unreal! We have 2 more days before we sign on our new house. Oh Friday, June 12th, at 3:00 P.M. we are to be at the lawyers office for David to sign on the dotted line. After that I have plans and things I want to do, but I don't think David has the same agenda as I do...lol. He told me we would go out to eat for our anniversary that was Monday. I suggested it, it's like celebrating his sucess in getting a new home, and our sucess in making it for 7 years with many more to come!

With that said, on Monday I went down to Commerce to get David an anniversary gift. He loves Harry & David Mouse Munch Coffee and at $13 a bag he only gets it on special occasions, or if I have money...lol. While I was down there I decided to do a few mystery shops. Those were fun! After I got home David called the real estate agent to find out if we could go look at that house and take measurements. So we sent most of the evening at the new house.

On Tuesday I had to run to Gainesville to pick up a cashiers check to take for closing cost. After I got home I laid down to take a nap around 2 and then got up around 5 to take the kids to Mrs. Gayle's house. While there the boys stayed there and worked and I took Gayle to see the new house. We got back to Gayle's house to find the boys on the back porch. Poor Jaycob decided to step on a yellow jacket's nest and got stung a couple of times. He seemed fine and I didn't think to give him a Benedryl. So we sat down to eat dinner and watch Marley and Me. About half way through Jaycob comes up to me to tell me he's starting to swell up! So we ended up at the ER to get a shot. After spending a couple hours there he was good. By the time we got home it was 11:30 and it was off to bed for the kids.

Today I'm taking it easy. I'm going to work tonight. I need to make money for new things for the house...:)

I hope you have a great week!

Thursday, June 04, 2009

What I'm thankful for....

Thankful Thursday

It's Thursday and I'm FINALLY going to post what I'm thankful for....

That I have a understanding husband that will stand behind me no matter what.

That there has been only one set of footprints in the sand that that God has been carrying me these past months.

Matthew 6:26 (New International Version)
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

That I AM more valuable.

Friday, May 22, 2009

I'm getting old, but David's getting older!

I can't believe my baby is finished with Pre-K. He's so smart! He loved going to school and playing with all his friends. The only thing he hated about it was nap time. The funny thing was he was one of the ones that wouldn't complain to Ms. Barbara, or Ms. Michelle about having to take a nap, he would just lay down on his mat and go to sleep. He keeps asking me if he's going to his new school. I keep telling him after we move. I can't believe he's going to Kindergarten! He's getting so old.

Ms. Michelle and Caiden.

Ms. Barbara and Caiden.

While Mr. Justin wasn't one of his teachers, he was his bus driver from time to time.

Taylor's award ceremony and 5th grade recognition was Friday morning. She was in the program singing with the chorus. She did a great job! I'm so proud of her. She did great on her CRCT's as well. I can't believe she's going to be going into the Middle school.

Taylor after the ceremony.

Jaycob and Nathan both did good as well. While they aren't crossing into another school, Jaycob will be a Jr next year. This means he will be driving, and going to the prom, getting a job, and stepping into that next transition where we have to let go. It's scary to think that he'll be out in the world without us having control of where he's going, or having to take him there.

Nathan is an official TEEN now! We were trying not to move the kids from the school system they were in, but got troubling news about the system so we decided it was best to leave and go to a different system that is a better school. We're hoping this change will be good for Nathan. It's a smaller school, and it's a chance for them all to make new friends and start from scratch. Nathan did get a citizenship award from his class. We're proud of him for this.
It's just a blink of an eye and they are all grown up. Watching them grow and change, and conquering new things is heartbreaking and exciting. Exciting because they are becoming young men and a young woman and they are about to step out on their own, but heartbreaking because they are my LITTLE children and I'm not ready to let go. They are getting so old, and that means I am growing old as well.
But you know, no matter how old I get, David will always be older!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Ramblings of a woman

I hate coming up with titles to my ramblings. That's what they are probably going to be most of the time. :)

In my last post I talked about life changes coming. Those changes are moving from this singlewide trailor to our own 4br/2ba house. The last couple of moves have been in the same community and the same school system. This move is scary because we'll be starting over. We are moving to a totally different area, with new people and new schools. Growing up I can remember changing schools (and states) 5 different times. It was challenging making new friends, but I was able to do it. I know it's going to be scary for my kids because they've been in this school system for so long. But I know they will be able to make friends, and it's a new start for them. They will be able to "keep it real" and hopefully find some true friends. And keep the old at heart. Also with todays technology they can still keep in touch.

Which brings me to my next subject...

Today is the first day of the last day of school. And for once it wasn't a fight to get Caiden to go to school. He loves school except for the fact he has to take a nap. He keeps asking if he can go to his new school. I keep telling him after we move. This morning he asked me when we move can we take all his toys. We had to leave the last house in a hurry and most of his things went into storage, so it's going to be like Christmas when we get to see what we have in storage. But we also had to leave things behind because we didn't have the room for them and the storage unit was getting full.

I'm going to end this rambling and go on to a different topic and a differnt post.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Something Old, Something New

Wow! I can't believe I started a blog in 2005. Typical Stephanie, start something and never finish...lol. I have been...what's the word I'm looking for here...encouraged, yeah encouraged to start blogging again. I don't think I've even looked at my blog since I last posted in 2005. The kids are so small in the pictures. It's so amazing to see how much they've grown over the years. Instead of trying to catch up with what's been going on over the past 4 years I'm going to start right where I am. Yesterday was Jaycob's and Nathan's birthday. Jaycob is now 16!!! It's a scary time for me right now, and yet exciting at the same time. Jaycob has proven to be a great kid, and responsible! He's been a great driver so far, but weren't we all when our parents were in the car? He won't be able to get his actually driver's license until sometime in October. It's a scary time to think I'll have a teenager out there on his own that anything could happen to. But exciting to know that he can take the other kids places when I'm sick and don't want to get out of bed!!!

An old picture of Jaycob! The new picture of Jaycob!

It's amazing how much time has gone by. It just seems like yesterday that he wasn't so big!
Nathan is a teenager now. That's a scary thing too. In just a blink of an eye Nathan will be 16 and then will be graduating high school. I only hope and pray that we as his parents can make it through this trying time...lol.

Nathan April 2004! Nathan Spring 2009!

Taylor is 10 now and in the tween phase. She is becoming a beautiful young lady. I pray everyday she will continue to grow into such and will be able to find a good christian husband and do something with her life.

Taylor in Kindergarten 2004! Taylor spring 2009!
Caiden is 5 going on 30! He's such a great little man. He says some of the most off the wall things. But with older siblings and the parents he has I uncerstand why...lol. Just the other day, when I picked him up from school, I asked him how his day when. I got the same response as I usually do, "It was good." Then after a few minutes he looks up at me and said, "Well I broke up with my girlfriend, but it's okay, I got another one." I couldn't help but laugh, but I'm concerned at the same time. He's 5!!! Why does my 5 year old have a girlfirend? And why does he know what breaking up with a girlfriend means? He's too young for that!!! Why do kids now a days have to grow up so fast?

Caiden July 2004! Caiden April 2009!

Ok, after 2 hours and many interuptions on trying to get this blog posted I think I have finally come to the end. Pretty soon changes and a new chapter in our lives are will be starting. It's a new adventure and pretty scary, yet exciting at the same time. But more to come on that later.


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.



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