I hate coming up with titles to my ramblings. That's what they are probably going to be most of the time. :)
In my last post I talked about life changes coming. Those changes are moving from this singlewide trailor to our own 4br/2ba house. The last couple of moves have been in the same community and the same school system. This move is scary because we'll be starting over. We are moving to a totally different area, with new people and new schools. Growing up I can remember changing schools (and states) 5 different times. It was challenging making new friends, but I was able to do it. I know it's going to be scary for my kids because they've been in this school system for so long. But I know they will be able to make friends, and it's a new start for them. They will be able to "keep it real" and hopefully find some true friends. And keep the old at heart. Also with todays technology they can still keep in touch.
Which brings me to my next subject...
Today is the first day of the last day of school. And for once it wasn't a fight to get Caiden to go to school. He loves school except for the fact he has to take a nap. He keeps asking if he can go to his new school. I keep telling him after we move. This morning he asked me when we move can we take all his toys. We had to leave the last house in a hurry and most of his things went into storage, so it's going to be like Christmas when we get to see what we have in storage. But we also had to leave things behind because we didn't have the room for them and the storage unit was getting full.
I'm going to end this rambling and go on to a different topic and a differnt post.
Be Like Moxi
5 years ago
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