Tuesday, June 16, 2009

So Busy!

First I wanted to tell all my friends out there that read my blog I miss you! We've been so busy. And I'm so tired! I just wanted to share the pictures I have taken of the house with everyone. Below is the link to my facebook photos, you should be able to get to them. They are public, if you can't let me know. I promise when I get a chance I'll catch up with everyone and read what I've missed!



Tricia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tricia said...

OK. Sorry about deleting that. I like Taylor's pink walls, but I am not so sure about the boys puke green. Love you friend.

Miracle said...

I likle the house except for the boys rooms! Taylors walls are pretty. They will look soooooooooo
good with the dots:o)


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.



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